A step ahead
for MY well-being !


of French people are concerned about their loss of independence*
1 %
of all wound-related symptoms, odour is cited by patients and professionals as the most distressing**
is the number of criteria taken into account to calculate EQ-5D, a standardised score measuring quality of life*** (mobility, pain/discomfort, personal independence, anxiety/depression, usual activities)

CEMAG Care acts

Patient quality of life is not often taken into account.

However, improvement of quality of life plays a major role in effectiveness and compliance of medical treatments.

Taking into account quality of life, expectations and concerns of each patient can improve their well-being and self-esteem.

This personalization of treatment is often linked to longer survival.****

* Les français face au financement de la perte d’autonomie. Cercle Vulnérabilités et société. 2020 : https://www.vulnerabilites-societe.fr/les-francais-face-au-financement-de-la-perte-dautonomie-enquete-15-sept-2020/.

** Gethin G, Grocott P, Probst S, Clarke E. Current practice in the management of wound odor: an international survey. Int J Nurs Stud. 2014; 51(6):865-874.

*** Devlin and Brooks. EQ-5D and the EuroQol group : Past, Present and Future. Appl Health Econ Health Policy; 2017; 15:127-137. https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/proms_eq5d5l_generique.pdf

**** Cella, David F. « Le concept de qualité de vie : les soins palliatifs et la qualité de vie », Recherche en soins infirmiers, vol. 88, no. 1, 2007, pp. 25-31. La qualité de vie comme outil de pronostic et de suivi des patients. Correspondances en Onco-Urologie. 2017 https://www.edimark.fr/Front/frontpost/getfiles/26181.pdf
