Empowered For Care
Knowledge in womxnThe term womxn includes all cis, trans and non-binary people. health remains limited in all medical fields. The low representation of womxnThe term womxn includes all cis, trans and non-binary people. in clinical trials contributes to this lack of knowledge. It is, however, important to take into account each and every person with his/her characteristics and differences.
Specific health fields, such as sexual and reproductive healthcare, are still poorly addressed and are even taboo. There is a lack of sexual education in our society leading to misinformed population.
CEMAG Care is committed to change this situation with its strong involvement in sensitive topics such as heavy menstrual bleeding, quality of life, natural contraception…
CEMAG Care wants to make the difference in putting forwards these topics, getting them accessible to everyone. We bring you safe and tailored solutions respectful of your health and your body.
The essential about the copper Intrauterine device
What is a copper IUD or intrauterine device? It’s a medical device which is more
40% des adolescentes et ¼ des fxmmes en âge de procréer ont des règles abondantes. Connaissez-vous les problématiques liées ?
Le droit à l’avortement progresse globalement mais il est en régression dans certains pays. C’est un droit fragile qu’il faut protéger.
CEMAG Care, ACME Laboratories Ltd., and Concept Foundation join forces for women’s health
CEMAG Care, ACME Laboratories Ltd., and Concept Foundation join forces for women’s health
PM’up award
Nous remercions l’île de France pour son soutien dans le développement commercial de nos produits en
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Cemag Care a rejoint la communauté de la French Tech Paris Saclay