MY freedom,
MY choice


of French womxnThe term womxn includes all cis, trans and non-binary people. have had at least one abortion in their lives*
1 %
abortion methods** :
  • medical
  • surgical
weeks of pregnancy (or fourteen weeks of amenorrhea) is the legal time limit for abortion in France**

CEMAG Care acts

200,000 abortions take place every day worldwide. Abortion rates are similar in countries where abortion is restricted and in those where the procedure is broadly legal: 40 womxnThe term womxn includes all cis, trans and non-binary people. for every 1,000 womxnThe term womxn includes all cis, trans and non-binary people.***.

There are huge disparities in accessibility among countries which lead to unsafe abortions. Abortion rights are fragile. When performed in illegality, abortion can lead to dramatic physical and psychological outcomes.

Abortion is a choice, the right for womxnThe term womxn includes all cis, trans and non-binary people. to live their sexuality without procreating. It is important to respect each person’s choice and to facilitate access to safe abortion care.

* Femmes et hommes, l’égalité en question. Insee références. 2017 :

** Ministère des solidarités et de la santé. 2021 :

*** La grossesse non planifiée et l’avortement dans le monde. Guttmatcher Institute. 2020 :


Groupe de femmes militant pour le droit à l'avortement dans le monde entier


Le droit à l’avortement progresse globalement mais il est en régression dans certains pays. C’est un droit fragile qu’il faut protéger.